Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My job

I'm a Marketing Executive

in one of the public listed company in Malaysia.


Well it seems like i never talks about anything regarding my job, neither anything about my job-scope. It's just very simple, i just dont like to expose to much of myself. I mean my personal life with my love, my family and also my job. You can found that my public blog is all over nagging, talking about feelings and thinkings. But today, i'll make an exception. Because today is Holiday and i guess once awhile i have to make some exception rather than stick to the all old-fashioned me right? First of all, Happy Birthday to Malaysia. It's your BIG day and is ours too. =)

Back to the topic, my job. Well, yes, i'm a Marketing Executive. I've graduated as a Degree holder in Marketing. That's why i've chosen this job. Honestly, i cant said that i'm in love of my job. Seriously, who loves to work. But for others, this job is quite enjoying. Salary is quite nice. All those allowances, claimable entertainment fees, petrol, phone bills and much more benefits. Our time, flexible, no fixed lunch time and we do not have to punch card whenever we walk in or out of the office for lunch or meeting clients or anything. It all might sounds nice, but is just still lack of something. Something that only my beloved will understands.

Well, my job allows me to get the chances of meeting many different people. I do mean BIG people. Those developers, politicians, CEOs, Directors, Contractors and more. Yes, i'm in a building field. Most of these people are in a high position and rich, i seriously do mean they are RICH. They could just date us for lunch and ordered simply anything. Evening, happy hour, they can order expensive wines and alcohol. Many of it i never seem before nor heard before. I have the chances of having a few hundred bucks lunch with any of the developers. I've earned the chance of walk in any high-class places that only opened for members. I have get the chances to even sit in a bigger better car. I've being invited to attend housing project launching events. But all that means what for me? Happy? Enjoy? NOPE.

Ever since i've started work, i've learned a lot of things. And the most important thing is, i've seen a lot of people, meet a lot of different people. I've get the chance to see how horrible a person can be and i also can get the chance to see how nice a person can be. Somehow, many people are wearing masks. Try asking every workers this question and i bet the answer to this question will be the same : Yes. Many people wearing their masks, you will never know the real face hiding behind the mask. Until the day you get to see, i believe is the day you get yourself in real big shit. Sorry for being rude but this is the facts.

Maybe because in this line, this field, especially marketing, we need to social a lot. We are not admin workers who just sit in the office for 8 hours facing and doing the same job everyday. My position, everyday faces different people different incidence and everyday we keep on learning, even my senior is doing the same as well. Maybe today you will finally realized how evil that person can be. Maybe tomorrow you faces another challenge in work, perhaps new complaints or what. Maybe another day you will found that actually this person is tricking you. Everyday is a different day for my job my work.

Should i said challenging? Yes, in a sense it is. Should i said interesting? Yes, in another sense it is as well. What i can say about my job is, it is not simple. The relationship between people, the secrets within, the philosophy of human being and many more. The most important thing i always need to keep in mind is that always do remember to do what i should do in work and just remember no matter anything just have to know how to protect ourself, our welfare.

Anyhow, just a short introduction or should i say summary of my job? *lol* But seriously i need to thanks my family and my Bay, whenever i felt suffer or stress in my job, they are the one who accompany me and support me. Especially Bay, since he is the one who be beside me everyday, he is the one who need to listen to my nag the most. *smile* Anyway, i'm really thank you for holding my hand accompany me walk through everything Bay.

I should end my post now and enter to dreamland with my Bay. Cameron trip for us again this midnight. Happy holiday again everyone ! enjoy your days.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Meeting the right person

Well, meeting the right person in our life. I guess everyone especially girls will always hoping for the right person to come into their life. Their prince their ideal lover or maybe the one who riding a white horse? *lol* who knows. But i know in every relationship they having, they wish he will be the one and only, and of course, last forever. Some might having meeting many people coming into her life and yet she unable to found a perfect one, and some might having to just meet the right one once and for all. Have any of you ever heard of this 4 important person that we will meet in our life? 

First - Yourself
Second - The one you love the most
Third - The one that love you the most
Forth - The one that will be with you forever

Having to know that second and third person might not be the one that will be with you forever. And take note that the one you love the most is always the one that hurt you the most. Whereas the one that love you the most will be the one that you neglected or hurt him the most. For the one that will be with you forever perhaps is the one that you meet at the right time.   Regardless all these, having to know that also the second and third person might be the same person that you will be together forever as well. *smile*

When you lost someone that you love the most, you will found someone that love you more. Some how it works like a comparison although people are not comparing them at all. But unfortunately, the one that love you the most will eventually get hurt because you've loved someone the most. When this someone walks away, eventually you will understand that is not about  how much you love that person, is the right time right moment you two have been together. I dont love you as much as you love me, then how? You dont love me as much as i love you then how? Eventually you will understand it is all about holding the right person at the right time. 

So i will be the which first few person you meet in your life? Or you will be the which first few person that i meet in my life? These all doesnt matter for me. I only know that in order for you to be the one that will be with me forever, you are the one that i love the most and you are the one that love me the most. That's all we needed. I know you love me so much & i know you know i love you so much too. <3~

Took this hours ago. Went for a walk whole afternoon with Bay. 
Today - Raya for Muslims & Merdeka !
 Happy Holiday everyone !

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm Hakka Moi ! Yes i am!

Yes. I'm a Hakka girl.

The story is like this. I am a Hakka Moi. I've heard some developers said that Hakka girls are good, they really do mean GOOD. They told me, Hakka girls are hardworking, loyal to their husband,obedience and also well-behaved. Well i'm not admitting i have all these characteristics, but i can assure that i am Hakka. *smile* Well, why do they said so. I guess we have to look back to the past. Past is always the cause of what is happening today. And i found this :

Hakka Women

It has been well documented that Hakka often occupied the poorer, more isolated, and less fertile areas of Guangdong and Hong Kong during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, while the Punti, like the Lung Yeuk Tau Teng, occupied the more productive fertile areas (M. Cohen 1968; Leong 1985). As a result of economic hardships, men from some Hakka villages chose to emigrate southward and overseas to find work, while Hakka women were left behind with the children and the elderly. The women tended the fields and participated in "men's" work (see Pratt 1960). But even in nonemigrant villages, according to one Tsung Tsin mission pastor, Hakka women worked at farming—"hoeing and planting seeds while the men would lead the buffaloes and plow the earth"—and thus earned their widespread reputation for hard work.

As Mr. C. explained, Hakka women are taught that they must be able to adapt to different situations and must work hard. At an early age, women of his generation learned the popular phrase, "Jouhdak gunleuhng, cheutdak tengtong" (Be an official's wife, come out to the drawing room). He interpreted this to mean that "they must know how to be an important official's wife, as well as cook and clean." They should be able to "talk to important guests," and also "know when to leave the drawing room and do hard work." With their reputation for hard work, Hakka women are often held up as exemplars of Hakka character.

Another Hakka man said that Hakka women are better prepared for hard work than non-Hakka women. This view is widely expressed throughout Hong Kong, where Hakka women have a reputation for hard work whether in the fields, on construction sites or on the golf course. Indeed, some non-Hakka farmers are said to have preferred a Hakka wife because they are believed to be more accustomed to hard work. According to Pasternak, whose research was conducted in Taiwan, "Hakka women everywhere enjoy a reputation as exceptional workers. I was often assured by Hokkien friends as well as by Hakka that Hakka women make exceptional wives for that reason" (1983:25).

Less agreement exists on the topic of Hakka men. Two Hakka women, and two non-Hakka women married to Hakka men, told me that Hakka men are lazy compared to their female counterparts. In the words of one young Hakka woman in Shung Him Tong, "There is one thing which is not so good about Hakka culture and that is that the women work harder than the men … but this was in the past." Yee Ling was not convinced that it is a thing of the past. She complained that her father wanted to be treated "like a king" and was too lazy to put toothpaste on his own toothbrush, let alone polish his own shoes. I found among Hakka men in Hong Kong, as Pasternak found among Hakka men in Taiwan, disagreement with the idea that they "spend a lot of time sitting around talking while their wives do all the work," although they are the first to agree that "their women are among China's most industrious" (1983:25).

The high rate of male absenteeism in many Hakka villages might explain such characterizations of Hakka men and women as that written by a nineteenth-century European traveler in Guangdong: "It seems to be mainly the women who do the hard work. They do not bind their feet … [and] are strong and erect…. [T]he women do all the carrying and heavy work. The men do not even know how to carry water—and probably do not demand that the women give them lessons at it" (In Aijmer 1967:75–76). Eugene Anderson was also told that Hakka "women work while the men sit and sing" in the Castle Peak area of Hong Kong where he conducted research. His explanation is that the men "once had to spend much of their time on guard against attacks, and left gardening and other such work to the women. Now, of course, both sexes work" (1968:98).

Most of the Hakka men I asked in Shung Him Tong insist that they are as hardworking as women, with the exception of "Heung Yee," a Hakka Christian in his forties who said that the one "really terrible thing about Hakka culture" is the way they treat boys: "Hakka spoil boys and give them everything…. It is well known that Hakka women are strong and hardworking. They have to be because the spoiled boys won't do any work. The men are so spoilt that the women have to do everything." All the boys from the village where he grew up go to the United Kingdom to be cooks, and "when they come back to Hong Kong they are lazy." Now when he returns to that village the old people there say to him, "You know why you grew up to be a good son? Because you were poor." It is important to note in this case that most members of the village where he grew up, including the "lazy young men," were not Christian. Heung Yee disagrees in part with their explanation. He and his brothers are successful, he says, partly because their parents raised them as Christians and taught them to respect hard work and education. While many Hakka will claim that whether they are rich or poor, male or female, there is seldom a loafer among them, according to one Christian Hakka man; Christianity provides further assurance that Hakka people will stay on the right track.

Related to their ability to work hard is the reputation of Hakka women for never having practiced the custom of foot-binding. The practice of foot-binding was a symbol of female subordination reflecting a woman's virtue and the moral standing of her family. It was a sign of high status—evidence that women did not need to partake in physical labor and rarely left the house. Although foot-binding was at first limited to elite families, by the nineteenth century it was a widespread practice among nonelites as well, with the exception of Hakka women and women in some of the tea- and silk-producing regions of southern China (Anagnost 1989:330). Yee Ling, Mr. C., Mr. P., and other Hakka I spoke to claim—and missionary sources also document—that regardless of their economic or social class, Hakka women's feet were never bound, "even if they were daughters of officials." According to one Hakka man in his seventies, "The other Chinese bound women's feet because they wanted to keep them in the house" and also, he grinned, "because it made women walk in a way which is very charming." But even if a Hakka family rose to a position of wealth and power, Hakka claim, daughters were still not required to bind their feet. In the early twentieth century, condemned as morally reprehensible, foot-binding became a symbol of the oppression and exploitation of women and of all the ills of Confucian society. Although the Hakka practice of not binding women's feet has obvious practical implications, two people from Shung Him Tong claimed that the Hakka refrained from practicing foot-binding on moral grounds. Twentieth-century Hakka historians such as Luo have helped popularize the Hakka claim that they were the first to oppose foot-binding and to treat women as equals on ethical rather than practical grounds. The fact that Hakka women's feet were never bound has now become a part of the rhetoric used to support the idea that Hakka were ahead of their time and have "always treated women as equal." The official Chinese policy regarding foot-binding one man told me, was inspired by the Hakka. It is also commonly known that the Taipings condemned foot-binding and allowed women in positions of leadership.

In a folk narrative entitled "Why Can Hakka Girls Sing Mountain Songs?" told to Eberhard in Taiwan in the 1970s, a forty-seven-year-old Hakka woman recounted the story of a wealthy governor of Guangdong province who could afford to have whatever he wanted: "In spite of that he never married three wives or [had] four concubines, but lived very well with his old wife." The narrator explained that the man and his wife had "suffered the poverty together" and she had helped earn money for his studies. He never forgot what she had done. As the narrator explained,
This tells us about the origin of the equality of love of the Hakka women, but it also tells us how the equality of sexes … had its origin, and that it is not a hollow word, but that the women with both feet on the ground carry on the problems of the family together with the men. And because Hakka women can live without men, they are not afraid if the men cheat upon them—they just cannot cheat on them…. Hakka are people who had to flee from suppression, and their surroundings are all poor, and so they all have to endure together. If one has to suffer, the others will help him, and so the Hakka girls work just as their men do; in contrast to other women, the Hakka women have as the first ones gained their position, and so they also sing songs that the others do not sing (Eberhard 1974:104–5). 

This legend reflects Hakka pride at being "the first ones" to "gain the [higher] position of women" and stresses the point that the position of women is directly linked to their hard work and economic contributions to the family. It also reiterates the point that although most Hakka start out poor, when they become wealthy they still remember what it was like to be poor and for that reason they are better people of higher morals. Although the people of Shung Him Tong take pride in the idea of Hakka gender equality, several young women pointed out to me that common practices in the church community do not substantiate this stereotype. As noted in Chapter 4, women appear on the surface to have equal roles in the church—there are always the same number of men and women who officiate, usher, and take collections at the Sunday service, and there are equal numbers of men and women on the church board. But those who are commemorated and best remembered are often men, and men are thought to be far more influential. In practice, like the "official's wife" described above who must cook and clean and be a good conversationalist with her husband's guests, women in Shung Him Tong perform many more of the "service" roles for the church, such as translating, teaching Sunday school, evangelizing, and working as secretaries.

Cantonese women have the reputation, I was told by a young woman in Shung Him Tong, of being among the most attractive and delicate of all Chinese women. Physical attractiveness—often symbolized by small delicate feet—is not a characteristic commonly associated with the popular image of Hakka women. When another young Hakka woman told me that the last two "Miss Hong Kong" beauty contest winners were Hakka, the statement expressed pride as well as her surprise and did not imply that all Hakka women are beautiful. Although people highlight the fact that Cantonese women are weak and frail in comparison to Hakka women, the physique of Hakka women is not portrayed as a positive aesthetic quality but rather as a practical asset.

Hakka are sometimes depicted as having darker skin than other Chinese—an observation used by non-Hakka to support the nineteenth-century claim that Hakka were descendants of hill tribes rather than pure Chinese. The Hakka, however, associate the possible darker skin of some individuals with the extrinsic factor of exposure to sunlight because they spend more time working outside. Conversely, people who work outside are often assumed to be Hakka. Hard work is also used to explain the "looser, more comfortable clothes of the Hakka" and certain culinary differences. "Hakka eat from larger bowls, and eat bigger portions," one Tsung Tsin mission pastor told me, "because they work hard and are very hungry."

Many of the physical stereotypes of Hakka women are in fact more accurate as class or occupational markers than as ethnic ones. Dark skin, comfortable shoes, muscular builds, and the "Hakka hat" are all indications that people do physical labor outdoors, not that they are necessarily Hakka. Common stereotypes found in daily conversation, on television, and in tourist brochures suggest that these images are of the Hakka, and thus reinforce the impression that all Hakka are poor and working class, and that all poor, outdoor workers must be Hakka.

Oppss, i guess this is a very long post, but what i've posted is all supported facts found. My clients, those developers told me that is BEST to married a Hakka woman rather than Hokkien woman. Why? Because Hokkien women are well-known as bad woman and fierce women. How bad is that? I didnt do any research on that. Well, just to share something here. No matter how good or how bad is the reputation of Hakka women, i will still be proud of being one. Because this is me. The Hakka Moi.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Remember When

Wanted to share a youtube video here, but dont know why unable to find the link in blogspot. Maybe i'm just so stupid. *laugh* Anyway, just share the link, it will refer you back to youtube. Remember when - Alan Jackson. This video is a MUST watch. Very touching.

Remember when I was young and so were you
and time stood still and love was all we knew
You were the first, so was I
We made love and then you cried
Remember when

Remember when we vowed the vows
and walked the walk
Gave our hearts, made the start, it was hard
We lived and learned, life threw curves
There was joy, there was hurt
Remember when

Remember when old ones died and new were born
And life was changed, disassembled, rearranged
We came together, fell apart
And broke each other's hearts
Remember when

Remember when the sound of little feet
was the music
We danced to week to week
Brought back the love, we found trust
Vowed we'd never give it up
Remember when

Remember when thirty seemed so old
Now lookn' back it's just a steppin' stone
To where we are,
Where we've been
Said we'd do it all again
Remember when
Remember when we said when we turned gray
When the children grow up and move away
We won't be sad, we'll be glad
For all the life we've had
And we'll remember when

Well, this is a very touching story. Time never stop. Life still move on no matter what happened. We have our vision our dream along the road, many times we might not able to achieve, just like they had their dreams on having their home on mountain, but they never manage to save money for it. But they are still living happily everyday. Sweet and blissful. Maybe life isnt just all about money, properties and any realistic things. Sometimes those intangible feeling underneath is what makes the day. At the end of the day, we will found that we wont be sad , we will be gald for all the life we have had. And we will remember it...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunset Sunrise

Many years back i've written this in my Wretch blog

Sunset? or Sunrise?

And if you can see, it's very subjective.

Again, i took this as my tittle today. Why? I guess it is very randomly i've come across this old post.

Years back, in Wretch blog, i've asked readers to imagine a picture, seaside with a sun. Sort of like the one i attached above. So now the question is, this is a sunset? or a sunrise? I guess everybody's answer will be different, totally different. I can say that is arguable but even myself also dont have the answer. It's not wrong to say it is a sunset and neither do wrong to say it is a sunrise. So the point is, we all aren't wrong at all. It is matter of how we think of things surrounding us.

For sunset, many times we felt sad, upset by things, people around us. And yet we think properly, why are we upset? I know everyone will be answering " because he hurt me" or " because he did this, did that". But think properly, he is merely just doing things that you dont like. How about think it the other way around? The sunrise. Thinking of why he is doing this doing that, why you will feel hurt. Or in a simple way, put yourself in his shoes, then the conclusion might be different a lot. How a lot will it be? Take a couple as an example, if she insisted on thinking pessimistic-ly, arguments, quarrelling might following them. But if she willing to take an extra 1% effort to think optimistic-ly, things may be a way lot of differences. Another understandable phenomenon, 'is this glass half full or half empty?' situation.

Well i guess the biggest weakness of human being is the feeling, the emotional. Yes, it is easy to say that you wanted to be optimistic, but for all the time when human being faces sad, upset, hurt, heart break, etc all those unhappy, awful feeling, they lose. Yes, human being lose. They lose to themselves. For me, human beings facing a hard time to be rational, i mean fully rational, completely rational enough. Most of the time, human being are being controlled by their feeling, their emotional rather than their mind, their clear mind.

Well, what i can say is everytime is just how we look at things. Sometimes we might thought it wrongly and we did not know, like i said being controlled by own's feeling.

It's very subjective, no formulas, no tables, no rules, no guidelines for all these. It is still either sunset or sunrise. Still, it depends on how we think about it.

Try to enjoy everyday happily everyone, especially my loves one, and those who i care the most.
Life's so short, we may not know what will happen next.

Well, just another random post.
Best Regards from me. ;-)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

This guy & That lady

So this is how it is.

A love story.

This lady is almost recovering from sick.

She wants to eat oily spicy food.

This guy tenderly ask this lady,

Do you still feeling not well? Dont eat it first okey?

This lady just knock her head willingly.

This lady get herself hurt, wound.

This guy ask her to clean her wound

Tenderly look at her wound with a frown

look in her eyes, give her a kiss

send her to search for antiseptic and plaster straight away

tenderly ask her to stay in the car, lock the door and wait.

This lady is sleepy and tired

but she insist of waiting him.

This guy immediately stopped everything 

and accompany her without any anger or dissatisfaction

he said he just want this lady to rest more.

This lady gets sleepier and sleepier while waiting

This guy gave her a tender kiss before sleep.

but this guy maybe dont know this lady actually feels it,

deep inside her heart.


the small little action that we always neglect

that we always thought that is just nothing or just something unnecessary 

is actually representing love and care

something that hidden deep inside the heart 

and only able to

give with a sincere heart and feel with an appreciation heart 

This lady wants to tell this guy

she appreciates every single little things that this guy ever did

and she wants to say how much she loves this guy.

i <3 u

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy Birthday

A Very Big Birthday for you my <3

Hope you've enjoyed these 5 days celebrations.

Sunway Lost World Hot Spring

Secret Garden

Mamak celebration *lol*

Lavish & Barroom celebration

KL trip

Piccadilly session

Genting trip

What else? *smile*

Anyway, i hope this will be your happiest birthday. I know you like to have friends around, but seriously, your friends are here and there! *haha* And i use my own method to collect all your friends to wish you together. ^.^ tada~~~

Dont want to expose too much of how's your celebrations or presents. 

*hehe* confidential.

Just wanted to say

how much i love you 


Happy Birthday Bay !

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