Thursday, August 4, 2011

This guy & That lady

So this is how it is.

A love story.

This lady is almost recovering from sick.

She wants to eat oily spicy food.

This guy tenderly ask this lady,

Do you still feeling not well? Dont eat it first okey?

This lady just knock her head willingly.

This lady get herself hurt, wound.

This guy ask her to clean her wound

Tenderly look at her wound with a frown

look in her eyes, give her a kiss

send her to search for antiseptic and plaster straight away

tenderly ask her to stay in the car, lock the door and wait.

This lady is sleepy and tired

but she insist of waiting him.

This guy immediately stopped everything 

and accompany her without any anger or dissatisfaction

he said he just want this lady to rest more.

This lady gets sleepier and sleepier while waiting

This guy gave her a tender kiss before sleep.

but this guy maybe dont know this lady actually feels it,

deep inside her heart.


the small little action that we always neglect

that we always thought that is just nothing or just something unnecessary 

is actually representing love and care

something that hidden deep inside the heart 

and only able to

give with a sincere heart and feel with an appreciation heart 

This lady wants to tell this guy

she appreciates every single little things that this guy ever did

and she wants to say how much she loves this guy.

i <3 u

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