Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Meeting the right person

Well, meeting the right person in our life. I guess everyone especially girls will always hoping for the right person to come into their life. Their prince their ideal lover or maybe the one who riding a white horse? *lol* who knows. But i know in every relationship they having, they wish he will be the one and only, and of course, last forever. Some might having meeting many people coming into her life and yet she unable to found a perfect one, and some might having to just meet the right one once and for all. Have any of you ever heard of this 4 important person that we will meet in our life? 

First - Yourself
Second - The one you love the most
Third - The one that love you the most
Forth - The one that will be with you forever

Having to know that second and third person might not be the one that will be with you forever. And take note that the one you love the most is always the one that hurt you the most. Whereas the one that love you the most will be the one that you neglected or hurt him the most. For the one that will be with you forever perhaps is the one that you meet at the right time.   Regardless all these, having to know that also the second and third person might be the same person that you will be together forever as well. *smile*

When you lost someone that you love the most, you will found someone that love you more. Some how it works like a comparison although people are not comparing them at all. But unfortunately, the one that love you the most will eventually get hurt because you've loved someone the most. When this someone walks away, eventually you will understand that is not about  how much you love that person, is the right time right moment you two have been together. I dont love you as much as you love me, then how? You dont love me as much as i love you then how? Eventually you will understand it is all about holding the right person at the right time. 

So i will be the which first few person you meet in your life? Or you will be the which first few person that i meet in my life? These all doesnt matter for me. I only know that in order for you to be the one that will be with me forever, you are the one that i love the most and you are the one that love me the most. That's all we needed. I know you love me so much & i know you know i love you so much too. <3~

Took this hours ago. Went for a walk whole afternoon with Bay. 
Today - Raya for Muslims & Merdeka !
 Happy Holiday everyone !

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