Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm Grateful of Having You

I'm grateful

Many of the simple things in life can be reasons for being grateful. these are often things that we tend to take for granted - our health, family, friends, our livelihood - until they are brought to our attention or taken away. Remembering to be grateful daily for one's health, family, friends, a job during recession, having a roof over one's head and food on the table is a good way to start living with gratitude. As each year ends and a new one begins we have the opportunity to stop and reflect on the current state of our lives and remember to be grateful. Each new day can give us the chance to start anew and is an excellent time to start keeping a gratitude journal, as a written reminder of for all that you have to be grateful.

Take a few moment as you read through this, think about what are grateful for everyday. And i think of you.

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. (William Arthur Ward) What am i grateful of today? That is you. I'm grateful of having you in my life, and i appreciate you for who you are. Is not easy to have someone who have so much in common and yet most important is someone who you love that loves you too. Most relationships are not perfect and there will always be conflict because different people have different needs and want.

I found these. Many relationships do not work because the people are not compatible. Many people get together with the opposite sex because of physical looks alone. This is great in the beginning, but if there is nothing more than physical attraction the relationship is likely doomed. It is better to get to know someone on a personal level before you get serious with them. This will ensure that neither one of you gets hurt, and will also increase your chances of a long term relationship thriving. Whenever you meet someone new it is important to establish common interests. One of the things that makes couples last longer is that they have a wide variety of activities that they enjoy doing together. If a couple really does like to spend time together, then your chances of success improve dramatically. Seek out things that both of you can do together.

When it comes to communication, it is something that many couples start out doing well and then over time it fades. This is arguably the most important aspect of any relationship, so you have to make sure you constantly communicate with your partner.

The last thing couples do that makes their relationships end is that they do not keep things fresh. They become too comfortable with the other person, and they do not put in any effort to keep things new and exciting. This is a key part of maintaining a long term relationship. Think about how you acted in the beginning when things were fresh. You probably went above and beyond to make the other person happy. This is important to do when you are trying to keep a long term relationship going. There are other reasons why marriages and long term relationships fail, but most of the time they lead back to one of these. If you're relationship has been struggling then you need to either end it or take it upon yourself to make it better. Have a serious conversation with your partner, and decide whether or not the relationship is worth maintaining. If not, don't let it drag out forever. 

Well, I'm grateful of still being together with you and the one i love so much, loves me so much too. <3

Night readers. =)

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