Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trying to listen to a speaking tattoo

What do you feel about tattoo?

Will you get one of it?

How do you perceive a tattoo girl or guy?

What kind of tattoo that makes you impressed?

What do you think about the meaning of tattoo?

These all are very subjectively views. For me, every tattoo on whoever's body has it's own unique meaning for that particular person.

Many people especially elders perceived that tattoo person are bad, naughty, and disobey. However for me its just an individual decision, and individual interest. Some people perceived it as art. Some just to make himself unique. Some just want it to be a personal identity. Well, still very subjective. One of my lecturer approaching 40 years old, and she has a tattoo on her leg. And yet she is not bad, she is knowledgable, she is kind, she is not the kind of "gangster looking" person. And yet what interest me the most is her tattoo. What does it mean to her?

Your tattoo speaks to you, i'm sure it does, but are you listening? i say this half jokingly, but let me share a little story to show what i mean.

Screwed the part of discussing who is the owner of this tattoo,  just want to talk about what does it meant to the owner.

Tribal, Sword, Vine

The Tribal

Originally a tribal symbolize as to prevent evil spirits attacking that person. The history can be tracked back but i dont know where to find it. Anyway, tribes believed that it actually held magical properties and the superstitious on it demonstrated the faith in God and spirits. But the superstitious and belief slowly being killed and it become the "art" of tattoo as what others said.

The Sword

Originally, it represents a warrior. Especially in the middle age it means the word of God. A sword can symbolize as protection, liberty, honor and benevolent power. It also a reminder to remain steadfast to personal ethics and also be worn to symbolize protection through difficult times. It also means the willingness to fight for his faith.

The Vine

These beautiful little plants are also a symbol of growth, re-growth and harmony. Ivy means determination. It is a symbol of man's frailty and his need to cling for support.

From this, logically as we can see, the tribal represents the wishes to get away from the Evil, which is any bad things bad situation that might occur. And that the sword could able to give protection through the most difficult times in life. It shows the willingness to fight for the faith holding. It cuts through the tribal. Tribal prevents the bads and sword provides protection. And the ivy cling on the sword represent the wishes to grow up, even in tough times and have something to cling on and support. So by this, will not fall when facing difficulties in life.

Actually, there is a core meaning of the owner choose this tattoo, despite to coordinate with the size and shape & the personal reasons. The owner had already made a hard decision on something when doing this tattoo. Or i should say before doing this tattoo. Already prepared ownself for pain and fall. So the core meaning of it is to be strong no matter face any difficulties any pain any fall anything that will make you sad. Believe that you will get through all bad and challenges (tribal). Have faith in what you belief and holding all the time. Do not afraid of falling as no matter how soft and fragile the outlook/ impression (ivy), deep inside you are still strong enough to stand (sword). Nobody is able to hurt you deeply. Dont afraid of pain, the sword will give you courage. Ivy will give you harmony in life.

The tattoo is saying :" Please be strong, stand still and live harmony-ly that's what important in life. You will get pain eventually in life, but through this you get to grow up and learn. This is life."

Tattoo do speaks to you, close your eyes and listen to it.

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