There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout : "This is me damn it! I look the way i look, think the way i think, feel the way i feel, love the way i love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me...or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because i dont fit your idea of who i should be and dont try to change me to fit your mold. If i need to change, i alone will make that decision." When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad, you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you. --- Stacey Charter (2000)
Fakers. I've always hated fakers, especially those drama queens. How do i define 'drama queen'? Very simple. For me, drama queens are those who keep pretending infront of people, living as she is acting everyday infront of her 'audiences'. In other words, it's actually a girl who boo hoo's and ba ha's about all the shit in her life that's going on claiming 'too much drama' but in reality brings it all on herself.
A drama queen can act as she was so innocent and yet she was the one who bring it all up. Dumb guys might fall for these drama queens but not for ladies, we know she was the one who behind all these and is responsible for every consequences she's having now. A drama queen can pretended nothing had happened infront of you eventhough she is actually having affair with your beloved. Dumb ladies will thought she's a good friend, nice and friendly, and you let yourself unaware of a wolf. A wolf that actually starts chewing your heart. Guys: "if a girl willing to share, WHY NOT?". Right?
Just dont understand why cant they be themselves. Being an adult but never really know what they should do and what they shouldnt. I guess they've watched too much of dramas and series. Well, everyday is a drama day for them. lol. Wondering what if one day "CUT!", what's left with them is only themselves and a title called "annoying bitch". Could it be this way? lol
Anyway, is just a simple post about drama queen.
Be Yourself, Bitches!
Cheers readers, sorry for being impolite. =)
oh damn..great! XD