Just as simple as Toyota Vios.
I do admire friends that modified their car fancy.
But for me, i did it just as simple as this only.
Sound system
Fixed a set of simple sound system to my car. One 4-band preamplifier. An amplifier can be split into two main parts - the preamp and the power amp. The preamp is the signal processing part of an amplifier. This means it's the section of the amp that allows you to plug in sources such as tuner and CD player. I have fixed Sony Xplod DVD player. A very old model. Well, this player has last for many years. Okey, it's also the section that allows you to change volume and possibly to change treble and bass settings. So it's a glorified switch with volume pot. The power amp is the section of the amplifier that drives the speakers. Besides having a 4-channel power amp, i had both front Mid Bass speaker LH & RH connected to crossover too.
Not all speakers are capable of handling the full range of frequencies associated with audio reproduction. The range of frequencies a speaker will reproduce (lowest to highest) is in many cases limited. I found out articles stated that the optimal range is 20-20,000Hz – this is generally accepted as being the range of human hearing. Speakers that can handle the full optimal range are referred to as "full range". Limited range speakers are far more common than full range units. While limited range speakers will more often than not be capable of handling the full gamut of high frequencies associated with treble, they're unlikely to be able to reproduce the lowest audible frequencies associated with bass.
Crossovers are filters, made up of coils and capacitors, that direct specific frequency ranges to the appropriate speaker components such as the drive units associated with bass and treble (the low and high frequencies). This means that the drivers do not strain to reproduce out of their intended range and beyond the speaker's capabilities
Besides, i have fixed an external foldable monitor to my car.An extra accessary onto my car. Never to forget the only pair of tweeter speaker in the car where it produces high frequency sound in the stereo system. Asides, talking about sound system we could always think of Woofer. I have a 12 inch Double stacked Magnet plus Double Voice Coil woofer from auXdio. What is double magnet and double voice coil means? Double stacked magnet normally is for immense power handling. Whereas double voice coil uses two seperated voice coils, each with its own connections, mounted on one cylinder, and connected to a common cone. DVC is supposed to produce more quality sound.Now in the market even triple voice coil is available.
Suspension System
When people think of automobile performance, they normally think of horsepower, torque and zero-to-60 acceleration. But all of the power generated by a piston engine is useless if the driver can't control the car. That's why automobile engineers turned their attention to the suspension system almost as soon as they had mastered the four-stroke internal combustion engine. The job of a car suspension is to maximize the friction between the tires and the road surface, to provide steering stability with good handling and to ensure the comfort of the passengers.
Lowering my car. One of the best way is to replace the spring and the shocks. As what you may observe from the photo.That's how low my car can be when i changed the spring & absorber. One of the most common problems with lowered suspensions is that the vehicle can more easily hit the road when it bounces. Speed bumps are very problematic especially in Malaysia. Which are the roads that do not have any bumps at all in Malaysia? The contact with the ground can cause parts of the underside of the car to be seriously damaged. The oil pan and exhaust system are particularly vulnerable. Whenever there's rocks in the middle of the road, dont ever thinks that my car can simply speed through those. It could be painful. Furthermore, for those who like to use manual jacks to raise a vehicle for routine maintenance, lowering the suspension can make a simple job a lot harder.
but there are much advantages i like about lowering the car. With a lowered suspension, there's less air going underneath the vehicle, and this can create a better outcome for wind drag on a car. That's why some sportier models sit a bit lower to the ground. In general, having the vehicle so low to the ground can increase the grip of the tires on the roadway and improve handling. However, this is not always the case, as lowering can in some instances cost handling issues. When its center of gravity makes it a rollover risk, almost any vehicle benefits from lowering. The higher the vehicle sits, the easier it tips over. Some drivers report that they feel better with a lower suspension. Well, so do i. Additional stiffness can be desired in a suspension, and this is one of the perks that some drivers mention after lowering their suspensions.
Well, honestly springs played the important role in lowering your car. I like my Tein S-Tech lowered sport spring so much. Highly recommended as long as you loves lowered car. May review on the features of the spring --
Body Parts
Nah. I dont do any body parts nor skirting or spoiler. I'll just keep it as simple as that with some stickers. Honestly speaking, people put on stickers onto their cars is a way to deliver messages. It is fact that white people will never turn down an opportunity to enlighten other people on the correct way to think. It is difficult to do while driving a car. How to deliver message to people drive-passed you & those people that you dont even know when will be the next time you will gonna bump in to them. Fortunately for us there is a solution: there is this thing called stickers. For me, i look at it this way - Stickers are like tattoo, it symbolized something in your life. But obviously unlike a tattoo, sticker at least can be removed if you ever change your mind. Car sticker people really seeking for attention.
Well, yes. The chromed plate SQ symbolized my name - Shirley Qiu. Tein & Ultra Racing stickers represents the parts is on my car. All those car clubs stickers, for example Toyota Vios Tuners (TVT). Trying to let people able to identify that i'm one of them. If you happens to do not know what is TVT, may refer my previous post --
Exhaust System
Not much of modification on the exhaust system. There are these people sharing their opinions about exhaust sytem. I found it partially true. They said actually car manufacturer do not make the best performance with the restricted air flow of muffler. It is to past emission test set by respective country. Some even downtune the engine at certain RPM so that the vehicle can pass the emission test. That's why many of us normally see a drop in dyno over certain RPM. Muffler and catalytic converter is to protect the environment and other people, to avoid emission of hazardous gas and protection from too loud noise. It is good for general public to have a car with stock muffler and catalytic converter. But to tuner and car junkie, mostly looking for performance, quality of sound and aesthetic value.
They also said that if we are talking about end pipe, muffler, bolt on, actually it doesn't matter which brand. They are all the same. A perforated core, wrapped in wrapping material, and outside skin, that can be stainless steel, aluminium, titanium, Carbon fiber & etc. Basically we can see a jump in HP because air flow restriction reduces. If you cut open all the pipe, all quite similar. Only differ in the packing material, diameter, perforation of the inner core, which i found it very much acceptable truth. But however, when we 're talking about full system, midpipe, downpipe, turboback, i think it is better to get a reputable brand. As more R&D is being done. The airflow, resistance, welding, manifold setup, all these are talking into consideration.
Well, i'm not gonna go into those super modifications of the exhaust system. but for a basic, i think welding is very important part of full system exhaust. Sometime we see the welding looks very nice from outside, but inner surface, some can do a lousy job. The crappy welding can cause disasterous exhaust flow. Basck pressure is very much important for a car. It is not recommended for automated gear car to get a straight-flow muffler. If you were to get a noisy and attention seeking exhaust system, then please go for it. I just get a S-flow muffler & a slightly better mid-bullet, of course better than standards.
Tyre system
The condition of a vehicle's tyres is crucial to its safe use. Tyres are a vehicle's only contact with the road. You've probably heard many times about the importance of checking tyre pressures and replacing worn tyres. Unfortunately, too many drivers are complacent - or careless - about the condition of the four pieces of rubber that keep a car safely on the road. For race drivers, worn tyres or the wrong choice of tyre means the difference between winning and losing, and staying on the track or running out of control and off it. Racing is one of the good way to illustrate the importance of tyres.
I have upgraded my tyre from 14' to 15' with a slightly bigger width size. My opinion is, generally bigger tyre have the better grip on road. But of course it still depends on which type of tyre you are using. The current tyre - Turanza, i'm using is not the high-end series, but it's consider a not bad grade.
http://www.bridgestonetyre.com.my/. Nevertheless, maintenance of tyres is the core pre-caution action. Study shows that only 14% of drivers will check their tyre pressure. Nearly 70% of drivers do not know how to tell if their tyres are bold. Just remember that at least once per month we have to check the tyre pressure. Well, my fiance always do it for me.
One thing about tyre that my dad has teach me, understanding tyre markings for the age of tyre - Date of manufacture. This is important as the age of a tyre can affect its performance. The first 2 numbers refer to the week and the 3rd and 4th numbers refer to the year. For example, a tire marked 2207 was made in the 22nd week of 2007. You should only buy new tyre with less than 1 year old. If the tyre is too old, the rubber tend to become hard & it may ended up broke into pieces in the middle of the highway. Please check every time you get a new tyre and don’t be cheated. This is also good for your safety. Tyres also have a code system moulded into their sidewall which allows you to understand their technical capabilities. This code provides information on the tyre's construction (e.g. radial), its size, its load-carrying capacity and its speed rating. For example, the code on a common fitment :- 205/65R15. 205 indicates the nominal section width of the tyre in millimeters (205mm). 65 indicates its aspect ratio, a comparison of the tyre's section height with its section width (65 indicates the height is 65% of its width). R indicates radial ply construction. And 15 indicates the nominal diameter of the wheel rim (15 inches).

Chasis Tuning Specialist
What can you think of when it comes to chasis strengthening specialist? The answer -
http://www.ultraracing.my/. My fiance gave me an Ultra Racing 2-point front Strut Bar as a birthday present last year. How does it works? Ultra Racing official website explained it very well with animated movements of cars that allowed us to understands it easily. -->
In short, with strut bar, the forces is focused on suspension and resulting in a lesser chassis movement and resulting a good handling.
Well, so much for my simple Toyoto Vios. Preferably i'll called him as my Silver Riding Hood. It's good to love your car right? Though not fancy, but it's just mine, my Silver Riding Hood.
Cheers readers.